Monday, March 19, 2012

Trivia: 44 Years Ago, The Song "Forty-four Cats" Won The Golden Zecchino

It was March 19, 1968 and the tenth edition of the Zecchino d'Oro winner proclaimed the song Forty-four cats, sung by Barbara Ferigo. Author of the song was the master Giuseppe Casarini that He made ​​that very day 44 years.

And to remember the event tonight in Modena, there will be a grand celebration: forty-fourth birthday will be celebrated on the birthday song and the ottantonttesimo author. What about: a Father's Day with all the trimmings (and cats, of course).

The Cat Slippers, Predatory Snappy to Lazy Pet

The cats are naturally agile, nimble and responsive to external stimuli. Since they live in our homes, however, are impigrendo and overweight that affects many cats struggling with a life purely indoor proves it, with related diseases, see diabetes.

An older cat who may suffer from arthritis is quite normal that it is less lively and responsive, a little lethargic short, although we must continue to stimulate it to keep it shiny and make them do some healthy exercise every day. The young and adult cats, which prove too couch potatoes, but are encouraged to move more aggressively.

Make sure you have games are always different and challenging, even do-it-yourself. When we did not let him have mechanical mice, the possibility of looking out the window or even a nice documentary about nature, love them. For more technology there are cat toys on the iPad. And again, hiding the games that encourage them to seek out the hidden biscuits using all the senses and feet.

Of cats couch potatoes has spoken in Genoa in recent days as part of a workshop on "The City of Cats". Dr. Eugenia Natoli, intervened in the work ethologist, explained that now the cat is an animal too spoiled and ipercoccolato that often gets bored at home. Bolus injection zoologist Paul Albonetti that explains how today's cats have become so habitual to hate every bit of news in their environment. And it shows the stress that causes even the movement of a mobile or disappointment when he finds his place occupied.

Explain Albonetti:
Too much attention to it, linked to the increasing isolation of modern man, who would substitute for her affections hairy missing, the animal has made a couch potato, do not want changes in the house or other appearances, let alone other animals, loves to be on her.

Do you agree, friends Petsathomecentral? Your cats still have their cat shot by hunters and spirit, or are couch potatoes? Mine are fit and hunt anything, some days even me, but have access to the outdoors and certainly are more stimulated than those who only live in the home, then do not text.


Simon's Cat is Back And He Loves The Shelves

No, come on, can not be true. My cat, who is not a tipino quiet, be able to stand on a shelf like that without dropping anything. I bet even your have such mastery. It 'true that Simon's cat, as now attested by numerous videos, is the synthesis of autarchy feline!

You at home as you have set having cats? Have you removed the ornaments? You have chosen only breakable objects or plastic? Or you have a cat so lazy and sleepy enough not to ever want to jump on the furniture?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Sleeping Dog on Another Dog

At the end of a day of rest here is a video that invites you to relax ...! Yes, more benefit before starting a new week, right? In this video we see two cagnolotti sleeping . But one of them wants to sleep on the other: after all seems so big and spacious ...

Will the little guy to put into practice its purpose?

It Is True That Pope Ratzinger Has a Cat

An urban legend. The fact that Pope Benedict XVI has a cat with him in the papal apartment, and that if it is brought back from the apartment where he lived when he was a Cardinal is a fake. Yes Ratzinger loves cats, but there is no cat ambushes in the loggias of Raphael. So said Don Alfred Xuereb, second secretary of the Pope, who since 2007 worked with the pontiff. Don Alfred said :

"It is true that we have a cat at home, even though Pope Benedict loves animals very much. It is said that a cardinal occasionally stopped in the street to call their cat. Someone asked: Excuse eminence, the cats speak in German or Italian? They do not understand the language, but the tone of voice, yes, he objected. "
No cats in the Vatican, then. And to think that some say that the pope had a cat could make it more friendly to ...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

U.S. election: Mitt Romney and His Dog (on the roof of the car)

We know that when you run for political office some aspects of his life are sieved by everyone from pros to highlight the merits of the candidate and against it to show its flaws. If the nomination, then, is for the White House, then the question becomes painstaking. This is happening in the U.S. with the various candidates. What interests us is Mitt Romney 's favored candidate in the primaries Republican who is leading the so-called Crate Gate ("crate" is the kennel for dogs). What does this mean?

The story dates back to 1983, and Romney, who was then living in Boston, went with his family for the holidays. Meta: Ontario, Canada. The Romney family decided to bring with them Seamus the Setter Irish family. Where would settle the Romney? In the kennel. And we can stay up here. The problem is that they tied the crate on the roof of the car. Seamus was terrified and afraid for a lot, did a poo on the machine.

The story was floated by Newt Gingrich, Romney's opponent, and Gail Collins, columnist for the New York Times, uses this story as often as it can to make Romney look bad: so far has written to 53 times of misfortune, so that the New Yorker decided to create a cover page with each other (instead of putting poor Seamus, however, that another challenger to Romney and Rick Santorum ).
Sure, it's sad to read of a person - whether or not a candidate to the White House - which ties his dog on the roof of the car ...

Video, Cat and Monkey That Run

A cat and a monkey that chase and scuffle. A video that is sweeping the web. The good dog chasing all this makes the public and could not be otherwise. Definitely more vibrant but the cat and monkey , but who will win the day?
I am rooting for the cat, and I tell you to do. Enjoy the show and the next by the editors of petsathomecentral!

Video, The Bird Russian Sleigh on Snow

Who remembers this bird slipping in the snow using a makeshift sled? I did not do it on the roof for obvious reasons, but the hills around at home, using plastic bags, towels and other smooth enough to slide right... and it was really a hoot create the tracks and compete with other children. And even the bird protagonist of this entertaining video gives the impression of having a ball to slip on the snow.
Until the snow has melted completely and reach the spring, we enjoy a few more winter chill ... good vision and next by the editors of petsathomecentral !

A Bill Against The Pops New Year's to Protect Animals

A proposed law against the barrels. To formulate the AIDAA, the Italian Association for Defense of Animals and the Environment. After the Easter holidays the bill against the barrels will be discussed at the Chamber of Deputies. Animal News that we have been waiting for.

Several cities have banned the barrels to prevent not only deaths and wounded among humans but also to avert the deaths of birds, cats, dogs that occur each year because of the barrels. Thousands. Many dogs and cats run away in terror, taking advantage of an open door or because they are already out with the owners and go astray and are invested. Many birds die of a broken heart. In short, the barrels are all funny except for the animals. Just look at the terror and fear in the eyes of our dog, or watch the cat hiding under the bed just to get away from the noise.

If we add that the fireworks pollute (lead to higher levels of PM10) and cause many deaths in the preparation of those are real bombs, the reasons to get rid of this stupid tradition becomes many, and all pretty good. Making illegal bangers is the most sensible solution. AIDAA writes:

The problem is not resolved with simple orders made in the days behind the New Year, and also with the approach of summer the problem of barrels and fireworks recurs especially in tourist areas. From here the bill that aims to identify and demarcate the less harmful and noisy bangers New Year, but which also contains regulatory sanctions as an important stop for those who hold and make use of any illegal nature of barrels, and the obligation for payment of medical expenses and hospital care for those who are injured while handling fireworks prohibited, in addition to those that delayed the arrest through the use of illegal fireworks or barrels causing death and injury among humans and among animals.

Video: Cats And The Spider

Cats are hunters, you know. But I am also very curious and interested in anything that moves. In this case is a small spider mite which is located in doversela do with two "large" cats. Unfortunately for him is not fast enough for them .....

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Northern Inter Curve Against The Massacre in Ukraine

I'm glad to read this news. Yesterday I wondered if the players and fans would manifest in some way against this barbarism, and today I read the initiative taken during the game of Champions Inter-Olympique Marseille.
In North curve appeared a banner that calls into question Michel Platini, the UEFA president, who was present at the game. The inscription reads: UEFA: Stop Dog Massacre in the Ukraine. 

The OIPA - International Organization for Animal Protection is very active in promoting information and support the protest and in the person of Andrea Cisternino said its also by the news Strip. On the official site, from which I took the picture, find all the information, The protest letter, how to support this effort.

Video: The Dog and The Shower

I envy those who have made this video so much. When should I wash my dog, I have seen that even in the shower, is a drama. First I must take it because I do not know how, but it feels when I wash it. Then, once inside, I do not keep him out, which results in half a shower for me. At the end I have to be so quick to not make me do the other half shower when you shake to dry. But look at this dog, the shower is so quiet!

Video: Cats Screaming

This new music video that we propose is a mix of screaming cats. I must be honest though: we have published best videos, the music is what it is and the text is a bit repetitive. I would not want the text to be the face of a dog!

Yoda, The World's Ugliest Dog, Died

Yoda, the world's ugliest dog, died. It was certainly lovely to look weird with that tuft, his tongue out, and hairless. Unfortunately, Yoda was so because it had been abandoned. When Terry Schumacher saw him behind a building, he thought it was a great mouse, since it does not even weigh a pound and was terrified. 

Terry took it with him and took care of and between the two has created an unbreakable bond. Terry said he will miss the way "fun and funny" Yoda, but greets her friend saying he was happy because went to my father and my mother, who loved her so much. His memory will live forever.

We send you a scratch Yoda, beyond the physical appearance (which, frankly, is quite secondary), has managed to cling to life and, with help from Terry Schumacher, has turned what could be a "defect "in a matter of pride.

Video: The Life Of a Kitten

This video is very tender. Almost all of us have probably more photos of our pets than our own. This time the protagonist is a kitten and instead of a simple set of photos is called a real video. Watch it and enjoy it to the end.

Gattari by Wire: One Small Thing

This morning I pretended to be a country woman. First, I carefully raked the garden, the cats followed me like a dolphin in the wake of a ship, chasing everything, six or eight feet, fled under my furious strokes. Using an average five times more force than necessary, the rake I flew in a inaccessible point of the fence, leaving me speechless with his stick in his hand. And there it was, because all things six-and eight-legged fled to me and the cats were waiting for me there, I heard them laughing.

Determined to continue my day out, I started to pour streams of stain on the wooden platform, and the effect, after a few minutes, he was curious: the clumsy brushwork has added a decorative pattern in the shape of cat's paws. Sweet, soft, soft paws. Given the record, I was not at all surprised or irritated. I surrendered. I put the brushes, I closed the jar and I lay like a lizard in the sun.

With eyes closed, I heard a mustache that tickled my face, and others who did the same with my hand while something biting my thumb. We were all four so for half an hour to brown the first side and then another. Trilussa was right:
"There's a bee alights on a button of pink sucks and leaves. All in all, happiness is a little thing."

Video: The Cat and Massage

Here is a classic example of a professional massage. This kitty is very professional in his work and strives to perform a relaxing massage on the back of his mistress. You want to be next?

Cats as a Metaphor For Modern Readers

There is a ferment in the whole network for what is to be read and what not, if a book is in the classification is necessarily a good book or just a matter of marketing and so on. 

According to La Capria the problem is that we are not accustomed to reading books and beautiful that is why we are satisfied with everything. To explain his point of view, the writer Raffaele La Capria uses the example of cats, and domestic "not those of the heroic age in which fed on mice or scraps of food." Writes Raffaele La Capria :

To lazy to do my cats food packaged in cans, and the menu is varied, so many tastes, not just meat or chicken, but also refined combinations of skipjack tuna with papaya, ginseng, fish of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean fish. I am so disgusted, poor cat, this packaged food that I have to constantly change. Would you like turkey? No? Then fish the Atlantic? Even. Fish of the Pacific? Finally they became so uncertain that no appetite, and to awaken their true instincts have given them fresh fish, crispy anchovies day, small mackerel, fragaglia Mediterranean fish. 

Well they do not recognize them as they had lost their natural instinct. Even the beef tenderloin, cut into small pieces from my plate and offered to them with grace, even that schifavano. Are you a cat or not, or not you are nuts? Nothing, not even the thread. Nothing really more natural they recognized.
He concludes: "Sometimes the metaphor?".